Something Every Exercise Program Should Have...
Here is one exercise that many people fail to realize is one of the most beneficial single exercises you can do. It helps tone your bum, strengthen your legs and core muscles, and also helps with your balance, coordination and endurance. The best part is you can do this in the comfort of your own home!
Many people ask me the question, isn't there just one easy exercise that I can do to lose weight? The truth is, if you're exercising to lose weight you should always vary the exercise regime to get the maximum benefits out of your workout. But there is one exercise that does a great deal to working your legs, hips, lower back and also tones your bum. Here is simple exercise that not only saves you time but gets you better results than doing almost any other single exercise!
Keeping your upper body nice and straight bring your arms out in front with the hands at shoulder height.
Place your feet shoulder width apart Lower your body down by bending your knees slowly until your upper leg is parallel to the ground (You will have to bring your bum back to keep from falling!) Make sure you keep your knees behind your toes Come up slowly driving up with the chest and hips till you are in your starting position NOTE: Conduct 3 sets of this exercise making each set 25+ repititions with a minutes' rest in between or until you get tired. Keep your technique strict throughout the movement to ensure best results!!!
Many people ask me the question, isn't there just one easy exercise that I can do to lose weight? The truth is, if you're exercising to lose weight you should always vary the exercise regime to get the maximum benefits out of your workout. But there is one exercise that does a great deal to working your legs, hips, lower back and also tones your bum. Here is simple exercise that not only saves you time but gets you better results than doing almost any other single exercise!
Keeping your upper body nice and straight bring your arms out in front with the hands at shoulder height.
Place your feet shoulder width apart Lower your body down by bending your knees slowly until your upper leg is parallel to the ground (You will have to bring your bum back to keep from falling!) Make sure you keep your knees behind your toes Come up slowly driving up with the chest and hips till you are in your starting position NOTE: Conduct 3 sets of this exercise making each set 25+ repititions with a minutes' rest in between or until you get tired. Keep your technique strict throughout the movement to ensure best results!!!