Natural Remedies For Hair Loss..

The number of people suffering from the problem of hair loss is rising day by day. The causes of hair loss may be an increase in age, a medical condition, or because of the fact that the baldness gene runs in your family. Subsequent to a hard brushing or washing the hair with shampoo or doing nothing at all, people suffering from hair loss see more hair in their sink than usual. And this is not a pretty sight.

There are a lot of medical treatments to cure hair loss available in the market which promise satisfying results, depending on the case and extent of hair loss of course. But nowadays experts claim that there are many natural treatments that can be used as well. These treatments, along with reducing or stopping hair loss, maintain the health of their hair as well. The basic natural remedy is eating healthy food, that is, food with high nutrients.

Eating Well

Foods with high protein, low carbohydrates and low fat content are good both for the body and body health as well as for hair. The food you eat to remain healthy does not have to be put on your head, but just eating it can make your hair remain healthy for a long period of time.

Another way to healthy hair through food is by including fatty acids in your diet, which are very necessary. Food stuffs which contain these fatty acids are walnut, canola oil, fish, and soy. Omega 3 fatty acids play a major role in keeping hair healthy, as they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods containing iron, vitamin B12 and other B vitamins, zinc are also essential for healthy hair.


Saw palmetto has been seen to have some impact in increasing hormones which are related to hair loss (androgens). Therefore experts think that saw palmetto may be used for treating hair loss...


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