A Secret to Remove Acne Scars Revealed
How to get rid of acne scars is relatively a more important question rather than how to remove acne as the acne comes and goes away earlier if treated but sooner or later even if left untreated. Now what about scars? They are not ready to leave their residence which is our skin at any cost. They seem to be more stubborn and subtle.
Nobody I'm sure is interested in learning here the types of the scars as all of us are reading this as they want to get rid of the subtle scars. Rather I am also not going to put you in the details and history of the scars rather you will find here a magical remedy of curing your scar thus leaving a clean and clear spotless face.
No doubt our mentors are right in saying that it is always better to treat your acne so it might not leave the scar rather than to leave the acne untreated which then will leave its footsteps. Scars, as we all have experienced are more difficult to treat.
The nature has given us wonderful things with the help of which we can treat not only the acne but their subtle scars too.
The tip which I'm going to tell you here is one of the most amazing, magical and has immediate effects.
What you have to do all is just apply it properly and according to the detailed instructions. Mix the exact recommended amounts after measuring it properly.
The secret is to apply these ingredients after mixing them:
- Sandal wood powder
- Rose water
- Lemon juice