How to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples Overnight Forever...

Pimples and acne on the face is a common feature for many teenagers and young adults. Often times, it carries on to the adulthood too. It is very embarrassing to have on the face and can lead to severe stress and self esteem issues.

Doctors usually prescribe medicines with composition of chemicals like clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid etc. depending on the nature and severity of the pimple. The bacteria usually keep getting resistant to these drugs and hence the doctor will be forced to increase the concentration of the drug at each stage. For severe cases, the doctors prescribe antibiotics along with topical creams and gels.

As you can see, this approach is not the most effective treatment and it takes ages to get a skin free of acne and pimples. So what then is the most effective treatment for your skin problems that will cure your pimples so fast that the results appear almost overnight?

The answer lies in Natural Remedies and Treatments for skin. A holistic approach needs to be taken to treat the pimples. This method directly addresses the root cause of all the skin problems instead of addressing the symptoms as in case of modern medicine's approach to treating pimples. The root cause of all acne problems is improper elimination of toxins from our system. The natural passage of discharge for wastes and toxins is our colon. Because of our unhealthy lifestyle and food habits of the modern life, the colon becomes clogged and hence it becomes difficult to eliminate the toxins through this medium. The skin becomes the alternative means of waste disposal in this case and this opens up the passage for bacteria and infection which results in breakouts on the skin. By addressing this core issue, the pimples and acne on the face will disappear overnight and forever.

How to address the root cause of Pimples?
A diet containing just fruits and vegetables along with lots and lots of water intake will flush the system of toxins and clear out the colon that remained clogged. Go on a fasting for a day or two with just taking fruits of all kinds, especially large quantities of apples and nothing else.

Use tea tree oil or tea tree oil cleanser on the face to clear the skin of any existing bacteria and infection.

Since, the diet restores the system back in order of proper functioning, future breakouts can be prevented. You will see a glow in the skin and the pimples and acne would have either disappeared or greatly reduced depending on its severity.

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